Thursday 18 April 2013


It is the Process in which sequential task is decomposed into sub operations. Each sub operation is executed in a special dedicated segment which is concurrently operates with all other segments. In Pipelining result obtained from one segment is transferred to next segment of the Pipeline. To get the final result the data is passed through all segments. This Process looks like the flow of data in pipes hence named Pipelining. In Pipelining several segments performs several computations at the same time. The overlapping of computation is made possible by associating a register with each segment. Isolation between each segment is provided by the registers so that each can operate on distinct data simultaneously.

Let we want to calculate A*B +C * D. To Perform Arithmetic Operation of A*B +C * D
A and B are kept in Different Registers and then Multiplied with the help of Multiplier. Similarly C and D are kept in Two Other registers and are multiplied with the help of Multiplier. The Result of A * B and C * D is then transferred to the Adder to obtain the Final result.
Register1<--A, Register2<--B, Register3<--C, Register4<--D                             Input A, B, C and D
Register5<--Register1 * Register2, Register6<--Register3 * Register4        Multiply A*B and C*D
Register7<--Register5 + Register6             Add result of A*B + C*D and put the result in Register 7

Above Give image clearly illustrates the pipeline process of A*B +C * D.

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