Tuesday 9 April 2013

Identification of Computer Ports

Port Name
Used for Connecting
Looks Like

RS-232 or Communication Port or Serial Port
Used to Connect Serial Devices Such as Modem, Passbook Printer, KIOSK Machine, Ticket Machine etc.

LPT Port
Used to Connect Printer or Parallel Interface Devices.

VGA Port
Used to Connect Monitor or TFT /LCD

USB Ports
Used to Connect USB Devices

Ethernet Port
Used to Connect LAN or Network

HDMI Port(High Definition Multimedia Interface)
Single Multimedia Output Interface that incorporates high quality audio/video output for HD TVs and Monitors.

S- Video( Known as Super Video)
It uses two different signal lines for luminance and Chroma. It does not carry audio on same cable and can support resolution up to 576i .Mainly used in Digital Cam coders, DVD- Players and Graphics Cards.

DVI (Digital Video Interface)
Output port that gives digital output and mainly used in LCD monitors.

Display Port
It’s very Similar to HDMI port but its data transfer rate is High.

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