Monday 22 April 2013

Characteristics of Computers

1) Speed: Computer is a very fast device it is capable of performing calculations in a few seconds that a human can do in entire month.

2) Accuracy: This is another Characteristic of computer that it performs all calculations with high accuracy. But this accuracy is dependent on its design and programming. If programming error occurs then result will also be affected by that.

3) No IQ: It is not a magical device and can perform only those tasks for which it is programmed or designed. But if it is designed with high class design then it can perform task with unthinkable speed and accuracy

4) No Feelings: Computers is an electronic device and is free from feeling. Though human designed Memory but it can’t be equivalent to human heart. It will work in any situation, any time.

5) High Storage Capacity: Computer can store large amount of data on single chip that can take entire building in printed form. This data can be accessed/ searched in a few seconds.

6) Versatile: It is another Important feature of computer it can perform multiple tasks in the same time e.g. while listening music you can access internet also.

7) Non-Stop working: Computers can be used in 24 X 7 working environment and is totally fatigue free.

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