Sunday 28 April 2013

DBMS Users

It is very difficult to design and maintain large databases for a single user.To perform such activities no. of users are involved .These users are called DBMS users and can be categorized as:-
1) Database Administrator: DBA is a person that performs installation, configuration, up gradation monitoring and maintenance of databases in an organization.He is also responsible for the database recovery and security.

2) Database Designers: Database designers are responsible for data identification that is to be stored and choosing database structure that represents and stores this data.They communicate with the user and designs database as per their requirements. They creates Tables, Indexes, Views, Constraints, Triggers, Storage Parameters etc. 

3) End Users: These are those people who require database access fro querying, Updating and report generations.The database primarily exists for their use. End Users can be  further classified as:
i) Casual End Users: These are those users who occasionally access database.Each time they may have different queries.
ii)Sophisticated End Users: This includes Doctors, Engineers, Business Analysts who thoroughly familiarize them self with the DBMS facilities in order to implement their own applications.
iii)Standard Users: This type of users uses ready made program packages that provide them easy menu or graphics based interface.
iv)Parametric End Users: These are those users who constantly perform standard type of queries for which they are trained.e.g at Money deposit counter cashier depositing money.

4) System Analysts and Application Programmers : System Analysts identifies the requirements of end users and develop specifications to meet end user requirements.Application Programmers implement these specifications as programs.

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