Monday 22 April 2013

Bus (Computing)

CPU is connected to I/O and devices and memory by a group of lines these lines are called as Buses. There are three types of buses that are used in computer system.

1) Address Bus: This Bus carries the Address of I/O device or Memory that CPU wants to access. Address bus can be 8 bit, 16 bit or more. A system with n address lines can reference 2address locations. This bus is a unidirectional bus and is also called A-Bus.

2) Data Bus: This bus is used to transfer data between Memory, processor and I/O devices. This bus is a bidirectional bus and is also called as D-Bus.

3) Control Bus: This bus is used to carry necessary control Signals between processor, Memory and I/O devices. RD, RW, IO/M etc. are some examples or control Signals.

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