Monday 13 May 2013

Difference between POP and OOP

Acronym for
Procedure Oriented Programming
Object Oriented Programming
Program Division
Program is divided into small parts that are called functions.
Program is divided into small parts that are called objects.
Importance is given to functions and sequence of actions rather than data.
Importance is given to Data rather than procedures or objects.
Approach Type
It is a top down approach.
It is bottom up approach.
Access Specifier
It does not have access specifiers.
It has access specifiers named as: Public, Private and Protected.

Expansion of Data and functions
Tough Task
Easy Task
Data Access
Make use of global data that can be accessed function to function freely.
Data can’t move easily from function to function, it is kept public or private so we can control the access of data.
Data Security
It does not support data hiding and is less secure.
It supports data hiding and is more secure.
Overloading Support
Not Supported
Functions and Operator Overloading Supported.
C, Visual Basic, FORTAN
C++, VB.NET , Java etc.

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