Wednesday 8 May 2013

Database Management System (DBMS) Interfaces

DBA Interface: This interface is used by the database administrator to create databases, Users, to set system parameters for changing database schema etc. Fig. given below shows admin menu where DBA is can create new user and can assign privileges to him.

Graphical User Interface: This interface represents database schema in graphical format to users. This consists of both menu s and graphics. Queries can be run by clicking on appropriate pictures /icons. For the selection purpose pointing device is used that can be either mouse or touch screen based.

Menu Based Interfaces: Web based interface are the best examples of menu based interfaces. These types of interfaces provide a list based options to users. Any query can be run by just picking options from menu that is displayed on screen.

Form Based Interfaces: In this type of interfaces users are allowed to fill out form entries to insert new data or they have to fill certain data so that on that basis data can be retrieved from database. Registration forms, Feedback forms, complaint forms, search forms are best example of such type of interfaces.

Natural Language Interfaces: in this type of interface DBMS provides local language support. The user generates his queries in his own language and results that match are displayed or respective action is taken on that query.given below image gives option of language support in which you can switch interface.

Speech Input and Output: In this type of interface user does not have to type he provides voice based queries and voice based or graphical results are obtained by him. Voice Recognition System is best example of this.

Interface for Parametric Users: These are that type of interface that is specially designed for a special task. E.g. interface designed for a bank teller where he has to perform same function repeatedly. Such as deposit cash, withdraw cash or balance inquiries etc.

 Below given image shows a parametric user interface that is designed to manage College library where books are issued and returned.

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