Sunday 16 June 2013

Display Problem Solutions

Computer is nothing if it is not generating display because user can’t work on that. This Problem can arise due to any of the following reason:
a) Due to Monitor Problem
b) Due to Motherboard/RAM Problem
c) Due to loose Connections
d) Due to wrong CMOS settings
e) Due to Wrong Display Settings
f) SMPS faulty

Here are some troubleshooting steps that can be used to resolve display problems.

Case1: If Monitor is Faulty
Symptoms: Faded Colors, Red Display, Green Display, Blue Display, distorted display, lines on monitor, display too bright or too fade.
Solution: This problem can be due to any of the following reasons
1) Display connection is loose, Tight them Properly
2) Data Cable is Faulty, Change that.
3) PCB is dry soldiered, Re Soldier the PCB, especially neck card.

4) Neck card IC can be faulty, Change that.
5) FBT Faulty, Change that with same value

90% of such problems can be solved just be re soldiering the neck card and changing display cable. 

Case2: if Motherboard /RAM are faulty
Symptoms: Monitor is OK but still no display
Solution: this problem can be resolved by following techniques
1) This Problem can be due to dusty RAM or dusty RAM slots. Remove the RAM and clean it with soft brush. Similarly, clean the motherboard with the help of blower.
2) Remove all connection and clear the BIOS either by removing the CMOS battery or by placing clr_CMOS jumper to 2-3 positions for 5 to 6 seconds.
3) If System is generating beeps than it means your RAM either not detected or is faulty.
4) Display MOSFET can be faulty and can be replaced by trained professionals only.

Case3: if CMOS settings are wrong
Symptoms: Monitor is OK, Motherboard /RAM are OK
Solution: to overcome this problem following actions can be performed
1) Set CMOS settings to defaults.
2) If there are two display adapters than connect the monitor to both one by one and check which your first adapter to display image is. If your default adapter is faulty and alternate adapter is not defined that second adapter will also not generate display until it is not made first.

Case4: Wrong Display Settings
Symptoms: System giving out of range error or monitor lights is blinking.
Solution: this problem arises if user has set higher resolution than supported resolution and can be resolved by using following steps
1) Connect the system to LCD or TFT and check is it generating problem if not then change the resolution to lowest value.
2) Another reason can be due to wrong driver or no driver installation.
3) Try to boot system in safe mode and change resolution value to lowest value.
Another problem such as Changing FBT or changing display IC can be performed by trained professionals only.

Case5: SMPS Faulty
Symptoms: SMPS is switching on but no display, Monitor, Motherboard, Display Cable, RAM OK
Solution: just check the Power good signal of SMPS (i.e. voltage on grey wire of SMPS) if its value is 0 that means SMPS is faulty. Just replace the capacitor near Power good Signal Cable connection whether it is leak or not.

Caution: never touch any part of CRT if you have just switched off the monitor and give some time to discharge it.

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